Saturday, June 08, 2013

Praying for Niece

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Dear Amanda,

I know you have had a great loss and wonder how you are going to get through this? I tell you the only way is to call on the name of Jesus and ask Him into your heart. He will not take the pain away but He will guide you step by step. He will give you His strength to get through this one moment at a time. If you will not do this for yourself, at least do it for your precious son. No matter what has happened, he still needs his Mom.

I am telling you the truth, the only truth that will set you free to leave your past behind you and begin a new future. God will be there for you. Go to the nearest church and ask for help. If they do not counsel, they can give you the name of someone who does. I will be praying that you will open your heart to Jesus. If you do not, you will be taking matters into your own hands and will have to do it in your own strength and life is just too hard to handle it on you own. In fact, it is impossible!

Go to your son, pick him up in your arms. He needs his mama and whether or not your feel it, you need him.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Advice About Salvation

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Dear Cynthia,

It seems as if God is knocking at your door. DO NOT KEEP THAT DOOR SHUT - GO TO IT AND OPEN IT!

The best choice you can make for yourself in life is to give your heart and devotion to Jesus. We are here on earth for such a short time but it is what we do in that short time that decides where we spend eternity. HELL is the last place you want to spend eternity.

I do not know what our doubts are, but I do know who causes them and that is satan himself. You have been under his dominion, and he doesn't want to lose you. I know because I was there until I was 32 years old.

I went to church weekly, I was a good person and I truly believed I was a Christian. Trouble was I didn't have a clue. At 18, I developed cancer of the tongue and back then it was a miracle I stayed alive. The main point is if I would have died, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would have gone to hell. It wasn't until I was 32 that I realized that. God is merciful, but He is also a gentleman and will not knock your door down. He waits for you to open it and trust Him. Satan is there the minute you open the door. In fact, he can't wait to get in your house and cause havoc.

One question: What do you have to lose if the Bible is true and you accept Christ? EVERYTHING AND ETERNITY IN HELL!

What do you have to gain if you believe in satan's lies and do not trust in Jesus as your Savior? NOTHING BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO HELL ANYWAY!

I know those are harsh words, but they are true!

God doesn't ask you to understand everything before you become His child, but He does ask you to trust Him. He meets you where you are at and shows you the way one day at a time - one step at a time.

Also, you need to read the Word of God daily. If you are reading it and having trouble, the Holy Spirit will be your tutor. If you do not have salvation - you are on your own in trying to understand God's love letter to you. Salvation is the only way! I will be praying for you!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Need Prayer for Marriage

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Dear Mo,

Marriage is hard enough even when both are Christians. When one isn't, then it is almost impossible unless the believer is willing to do all they can on behalf of both partners. You see, you are in light and your husband is in darkness. It's two opposite worlds colliding. You cannot take a Bible and beat your husband over the head with it, but you can fall on your face before the Throne of God and ask for His wisdom, discernment and knowledge. You can not let the worst in your husband bring out the worst in you. Satan is alive and well and will do anything to ruin your marriage. You have got to decide this day who or what matters most to you. You are going to have to determine beforehand your strategy to fight this battle and commit to it. This will be hard because you are a female and we run with out emotions. This time you are going to have to run on your faith. You are going to have to ask God to be your husband for now until your husband is willing to change. Don't expect something from your husband that he is unable to give you while living in this darkness. The only hope you have is to win him to Christ by your love.

Right now you are in a tug of war and satan is winning. Give this to God, get in the psalms and pray for guidance everyday. Know your weapons in Ephesians 6 and use them every minute. Take each day one moment at a time and YOU bring the glory to God. Remember God is on your team but you have to die to self and be obedient. Love your husband as much as you can on your own strength. Ask God to help love your husband even though you are not feeling love. Try to remember his good points and why you fell in love with him to begin with. Dwell on his good points and pray for God to reveal his bad points to him so he can see for himself what he is doing.
I will be praying for you!

Your marriage is worth the fight but it will be a tough battle - you just have to determine to love your husband more than the world does so he will want to be with you instead of the world. If all your hard work doesn't work at least you have given it your best shot! From then on God knows the true story and knows you did your best.

In Him,


Prayer for Forgiveness for Infidelity

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Dear Hurting One,

I feel your hurt and the hurt of all concerned. Sin can sure tempt us and take us further than we ever intended to go. Satan has a way of making us think the grass is always greener on the other side and your get over there and it is not even edible.

From this point you have to fall on your knees and ask for forgiveness from God and repent. That is the first step. Then you need to not see the other man again in any way, shape of form. You have to prove to your family that you truly are sorry and your actions are going to have to speak louder than your words.

It will take time for the healing. Right now everything is being done out of hurt. You need to apologize to your husband and family in a sincere way so they know your are genuine. This didn't happen over night and it will not be made right over night. You have got to allow time for healing. Do your best to let your family know you are still there for them. You are going to have to heal yourself also. Get in the scripture - Psalms and pour your heart out before God and ask for his wisdom, discernment and knowledge. You may never get your family back but you will get right with God. After you have asked others for forgiveness, you will know through your spirit what God expects of you. The price will be costly but it will be worth it. You might need to get CHRISTIAN counseling and get in a divorce group! This will not only give you support but place you on the right path to recovery. The main thing is you stay in the WORD of God. If you are not in the Word of God you are not in the will of God. GET IN THE WILL OF GOD!

Pray to God to heal your husband and family so at least they can see you are trying. Take life one day at a time and one minute at a time. Never go the way of the world again. It never works and the price of sin is too high!

I will be praying for you.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Daughter Involved in Gay Relationship

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Dear Sharon,

As a mother, I can sympathize for the pain you are going through. There is so much garbage out there in this world and so many bizarre fixes for pain, it is not possible to protect our children from them all even though we would love to do so.

I do not know where your daughter stands with the Lord, but I do realize if she is a child of God, she does not know the Scriptures. Even though she may not listen to your words, I heavily suggest that you show her what the Scriptures says about homosexuality. Tell her this is what God thinks and not you making it up. As a parent, it is your obligation to God and to your child to tell her what the Word says. If you do not do this you will be accountable. You need to sit her down and tell her she can not even GO THERE! If she chooses to do so, you have done all you can do except stay on your knees before the Throne of God and pray for her repentance.

In I Cor. 6:9-11 "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kindgom of God? Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor theives, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the Kingdom of God."

The world spreads satan's lie that homosexualtiy is inborn. That is a lie straight from the pit of hell.
God would not make a person be born with a sin they could not repent of. If they were indeed born with that condition, there is no way they could have the strength to choose otherwise. I don't know about the world, but I do know my God is merciful and would not do that! In other words, homosexualtiy is a choice.
I once heard of a son asking his father, what is the meaning of life? The father's response was, "life is made up of the choices you make and the friends you keep." Truer words were never spoken.

As far as your daughter not having a boyfriend - the timing may not be right. God will send her the right guy in His timing and she is to wait for that timing! The choice she is making now definitely is- not God's will for her life now and the sooner she realizes the impact of the sin she is choosing the better. Our time on earth is only a dot in eternity and she needs to choose heaven, not hell! I suggest you make her get off facebook before word gets out and she has more offers from the wrong kind of people who do not know any better. May she have the courage to lead them to the scriptures. Ignorance is not always bliss.i

Other scriptures that pertain to homosexuality are:
Lev. 18:22, 20:13
Rom. 1:24-27
Rom. 1:32
I Kings 14:24, 15:12
2 Kings 23:7

There will be many homosexuals in heaven who has repented! That is all that it takes is repentance and turning from that sin! God wishes none to perish!

I will be praying for you and your daughter!

In Him,


Monday, September 27, 2010

Advice For Teen Daughter

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Dear Melissa,

If your daughter is loving the Lord then she is on the right track but she might be going the way of the world to find her place. In this day and time it is so difficult for one to know the true values that count. The world is upside down in values. First of all your daughter has got to find out who she wants to please the most - God or the world. God is forever - relationships with boys change daily. I once heard a father reply to his son's question of, "how is one's life determined?" His reply was - it is made up of the choices you make and the friends you keep - so be very careful about your choices and friends - they can make or break you!

Your daughter has to know and determine what she wants to stand for - or she will fall for anything.

If she loves the Lord - she needs to know his Word and what He expects of her. Ignorance is not always bliss. That stands true for everyone! I firmly believe if one is not in the Word of God, they are not in the will of God and if there is one thing we want in life it is to be in the will of God.

You need to sit down and have a heart to heart discussion with your daughter about what you expect her values and choices to be. Set the guidelines so she will have something to follow! I do not know when you want her to know the facts of life but keep your antennas up - things seem to be moving a lot faster these days and she needs to know in order to be prepared. That is your decision and one that has got to be taken to the Lord!

The most precious gift you can give your daughter is to pray specifically that God will give her His discernment, understanding and wisdom she needs to make the right choices. Pray His love and protection over her and keep a close eye over her activities. I had two daughters (both married now - what a relief) and if they got up at 7a.m., I got up at 6a.m. to remind myself I WAS THE MOTHER! I was there when they got home from school and I tried to make my house the gathering place. That way I could keep my ears and eyes open without them suspecting it! It was hard work but it was worth it. We set curfews and stood by them. Even in high school they had to be in at a respectable hour. End of discussion. WE set an alarm clock and it better be turned off before that curfew. We were awake but we wanted them to know we were watching!

I hope this helps! It's nice your daughter has shared these things with you! Communication is a blessing!
Keep those communication lines open as long as you can! Another thing to remember is no matter the situation try to respond and not react. You might have to tell her you have to think things over before you can come to a decision. That way you cannot be talked out of it so easy!

God Bless,


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Advice About Relationship

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Dear Mercy,

I know this is kind of blunt but I say in Christian love that you need to fall on your face before the Throne of God and ask if you really love this man? I am married to a retired Marine and we moved 27 times in 23 years. My security was not in where I lived but who I lived for. I wish I could say that I was saved all those years and knew precisely what I was doing but I can't. I wasn't saved until I was 32. I got tired of moving and very homesick. I blamed my husband. When I did get saved God showed me Acts 17:26. He is the one that determines our boundaries. I could no longer blame Hank. He was the vessel God used to move me!

So dear one, what I am saying is basically, "God requires self sacrifice in true love - not only in our relationship with Him but also our spouse. When all is said and done where you live really doesn't matter as much as what you did in the name of love while you lived there.

I will be praying for you.

In Him,


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Balancing Home Life & Spiritual Gifts

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Dear Consuella,

I will be married 40 years this November, so hopefully I can give you some advice. I do not have all the answers, but I know God does. That is who you always need to turn to first, then take it from there. If He puts it on your heart to then turn to others - that is what you should do.

First of all, I want you to know that God meets us individually as believers. No one else enters the picture. He meets you where you are at when you are saved, and He meets you individually when He calls you home. He never intends for our salvation, sanctification, justification or our future glorification to involve any body but you and Him. Remember that He loved you so much He sent His Son to die on the cross for you.

He knew you when you were created in your mother's womb, he wrote your name in the Book of Life, He keeps our tears in a bottle. He knows your going in and going out. He knows everything about you.

He will share you with others - especially our husbands and children, but not at the expense of His time with you. God is known as "Quanna". He is a jealous God. He is not jealous of your love for your family - He expects you to be the helpmate to your husband and a mother to your children - just not at the expense of His fellowship with you.

If you husband is a believer, He feels the same way about Him. It sounds as if your husband is putting more trust in his relationship with you then he is with God. You need to pray for that to be revealed to him. Let God reveal that, not you, as it might make you sound pompous (like a clanging cymbal), and I am sure he will not appreciate that, especially coming from his helpmate.
As God meets us where we are at, we have to do the same for our mates. I would love to say my husband loves to spend the time in God's Word like I do, but I cannot say that. He is not there yet and even though I want him to be, I cannot be his Holy Spirit, so I have to accept that. That is between him and God.

Pray about not being so vocal about your fellowship with God to your husband until you see He is ready to receive it. Living it out in your life comes through a lot louder than words any day. Just be yourself, love and serve the Lord as the Spirit reveals and be the wife God intended you to be.

As far as your writing goes, do it. Just do not discuss it too much in front of your husband. Do not hide it, just don't make too big of a deal of it because it threatens your husband. Your writing if a love offering for your Lord - so let the Lord be the one to make you feel good about it. By no means does God want you to stop pursuing your ways of serving Him - just be discreet until your husband is ready.

Pray for your husband daily - ask God to give him wisdom, discernment and knowledge. If that prayer is answered your battle will be won!

I will be praying for you Consuella.

God Bless,
