Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Balancing Home Life & Spiritual Gifts

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Dear Consuella,

I will be married 40 years this November, so hopefully I can give you some advice. I do not have all the answers, but I know God does. That is who you always need to turn to first, then take it from there. If He puts it on your heart to then turn to others - that is what you should do.

First of all, I want you to know that God meets us individually as believers. No one else enters the picture. He meets you where you are at when you are saved, and He meets you individually when He calls you home. He never intends for our salvation, sanctification, justification or our future glorification to involve any body but you and Him. Remember that He loved you so much He sent His Son to die on the cross for you.

He knew you when you were created in your mother's womb, he wrote your name in the Book of Life, He keeps our tears in a bottle. He knows your going in and going out. He knows everything about you.

He will share you with others - especially our husbands and children, but not at the expense of His time with you. God is known as "Quanna". He is a jealous God. He is not jealous of your love for your family - He expects you to be the helpmate to your husband and a mother to your children - just not at the expense of His fellowship with you.

If you husband is a believer, He feels the same way about Him. It sounds as if your husband is putting more trust in his relationship with you then he is with God. You need to pray for that to be revealed to him. Let God reveal that, not you, as it might make you sound pompous (like a clanging cymbal), and I am sure he will not appreciate that, especially coming from his helpmate.
As God meets us where we are at, we have to do the same for our mates. I would love to say my husband loves to spend the time in God's Word like I do, but I cannot say that. He is not there yet and even though I want him to be, I cannot be his Holy Spirit, so I have to accept that. That is between him and God.

Pray about not being so vocal about your fellowship with God to your husband until you see He is ready to receive it. Living it out in your life comes through a lot louder than words any day. Just be yourself, love and serve the Lord as the Spirit reveals and be the wife God intended you to be.

As far as your writing goes, do it. Just do not discuss it too much in front of your husband. Do not hide it, just don't make too big of a deal of it because it threatens your husband. Your writing if a love offering for your Lord - so let the Lord be the one to make you feel good about it. By no means does God want you to stop pursuing your ways of serving Him - just be discreet until your husband is ready.

Pray for your husband daily - ask God to give him wisdom, discernment and knowledge. If that prayer is answered your battle will be won!

I will be praying for you Consuella.

God Bless,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for addressing the situation. I really appreciate it.