Sunday, April 26, 2009

Anxiety Problem

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Dear Chris,

It seems like your life is full of anxiety, not only with claustrophobia but also concern for your mother. I know that claustrophobia is an anxiety brought on by fear and when this happens you must immediately start calling out to the Lord. Philippians 4:6 , "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication , with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." If you cannot remember this verse, then start saying aloud the Lord's Prayer over and over until you calm down. Satan hates the Word of the Lord and can only stay around so long before it drives him crazy. Satan loves to cause us fear, because it gets a hold on our emotions and then we cannot think straight. Our mind starts turning in circles and he wins the battle. You must feed your faith daily and not your fear. This is why having a quiet time is so important. It reminds you that greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Your God of faith will help you win your battles, but you must give them to Him and not go on your own strength. I am not clear as to what is wrong with your mother. This also has to be turned over to the Lord. Circumstances can definitely effect our lives but it doesn't have to steal our joy. You have to remember that sometimes God puts us in valleys so we will reach up to Him. I have never walked through a valley that I haven't come out stronger. I admit I did not enjoy the journey, but I knew and claimed that God was walking each step of the way with me. Read the Psalms, play chrisitan music and pray for peace and contentment. God is there waiting to help - let Him! Pray not only for your mother, but with her as well. You both need each other and God's presence at a time like this!
In Him,

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