Monday, September 27, 2010

Advice For Teen Daughter

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Dear Melissa,

If your daughter is loving the Lord then she is on the right track but she might be going the way of the world to find her place. In this day and time it is so difficult for one to know the true values that count. The world is upside down in values. First of all your daughter has got to find out who she wants to please the most - God or the world. God is forever - relationships with boys change daily. I once heard a father reply to his son's question of, "how is one's life determined?" His reply was - it is made up of the choices you make and the friends you keep - so be very careful about your choices and friends - they can make or break you!

Your daughter has to know and determine what she wants to stand for - or she will fall for anything.

If she loves the Lord - she needs to know his Word and what He expects of her. Ignorance is not always bliss. That stands true for everyone! I firmly believe if one is not in the Word of God, they are not in the will of God and if there is one thing we want in life it is to be in the will of God.

You need to sit down and have a heart to heart discussion with your daughter about what you expect her values and choices to be. Set the guidelines so she will have something to follow! I do not know when you want her to know the facts of life but keep your antennas up - things seem to be moving a lot faster these days and she needs to know in order to be prepared. That is your decision and one that has got to be taken to the Lord!

The most precious gift you can give your daughter is to pray specifically that God will give her His discernment, understanding and wisdom she needs to make the right choices. Pray His love and protection over her and keep a close eye over her activities. I had two daughters (both married now - what a relief) and if they got up at 7a.m., I got up at 6a.m. to remind myself I WAS THE MOTHER! I was there when they got home from school and I tried to make my house the gathering place. That way I could keep my ears and eyes open without them suspecting it! It was hard work but it was worth it. We set curfews and stood by them. Even in high school they had to be in at a respectable hour. End of discussion. WE set an alarm clock and it better be turned off before that curfew. We were awake but we wanted them to know we were watching!

I hope this helps! It's nice your daughter has shared these things with you! Communication is a blessing!
Keep those communication lines open as long as you can! Another thing to remember is no matter the situation try to respond and not react. You might have to tell her you have to think things over before you can come to a decision. That way you cannot be talked out of it so easy!

God Bless,


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