Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Prayer for Forgiveness for Infidelity

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Dear Hurting One,

I feel your hurt and the hurt of all concerned. Sin can sure tempt us and take us further than we ever intended to go. Satan has a way of making us think the grass is always greener on the other side and your get over there and it is not even edible.

From this point you have to fall on your knees and ask for forgiveness from God and repent. That is the first step. Then you need to not see the other man again in any way, shape of form. You have to prove to your family that you truly are sorry and your actions are going to have to speak louder than your words.

It will take time for the healing. Right now everything is being done out of hurt. You need to apologize to your husband and family in a sincere way so they know your are genuine. This didn't happen over night and it will not be made right over night. You have got to allow time for healing. Do your best to let your family know you are still there for them. You are going to have to heal yourself also. Get in the scripture - Psalms and pour your heart out before God and ask for his wisdom, discernment and knowledge. You may never get your family back but you will get right with God. After you have asked others for forgiveness, you will know through your spirit what God expects of you. The price will be costly but it will be worth it. You might need to get CHRISTIAN counseling and get in a divorce group! This will not only give you support but place you on the right path to recovery. The main thing is you stay in the WORD of God. If you are not in the Word of God you are not in the will of God. GET IN THE WILL OF GOD!

Pray to God to heal your husband and family so at least they can see you are trying. Take life one day at a time and one minute at a time. Never go the way of the world again. It never works and the price of sin is too high!

I will be praying for you.


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