Monday, March 24, 2008

What Should I Do As A New Christian Mom?

Dear Michelle,

Welcome to the family of God.

Your life will never be the same and neither will the lives of your family. The first and most important advice I can give you is to be dedicated to spending time in the Word of God daily. If you are not in the Wordof God, you are generally not int he Will of God.

Satan will do everything in his power to keep you too busy to be in God's Word and to stress you out so you will not be the witness that God wants you to be.

Busy means:
B being
U under
S Satan's
Y Yoke

Also remember that you will slip up from time to time. God knows that and will extend you the grace you need when you repent and ask forgiveness.

Obedience is also very important whether we feel like it or not. Emotions can get in the way andreally mess up our choices. Go to God first and not to self. He usually knows what is best forus even though we do not undertand His ways of doing things.

As far as your children go. Let them see you read the Bible. Let them see you turn to God when trials enter you life and not turn to alcohol or drugs. You are to get your strength from God now and they need to see that. Mean what you say and say what you mean. If you cannot walk the walk and talk the talk, it is best to say nothing.

I will be praying for you and your family. May God not be able to bestow many blessings on you and your family now that you are His.

In Him,
Sandy Denton

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