Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Stealing might be acceptable in your neighborhood but dear one it is not in the eyes of God.

It sounds like you are a new Christian and do not have the solid foundation to help you make the right choices. First of all you do not know the truth that will set you free so you need to find out what the Bible says about stealing. Get a concordance and look of this subject.

Secondly, if this young man is impressed by stealing than you certainly do not want to pursuethis relationship.

You might need to counsel with your pastor to make sure that you are truly born again and you need to ask God into your heart and repent of your sins.

Stealing will have to become a thing of the past and not allowed in your life ever again. It is time to make right choices that will bring you close to God and not separate you from Him. No wonder you are confused.

You will be in my prayers and if you have to follow the examples of others, for the example of our Lord.

God Bless

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